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Three Ways to Reduce Your Coffee Shop’s Waste

We’re having the hottest summer on record in the UK and whilst it might be cause to celebrate (if you happened to have that time off), for most of us (burning on the commute) it’s a warning sign. In this time of climate change brands have to even more careful about the messages they put out – they have to be making demonstratable green efforts. Having supported many independent coffee shops with our premium roasts for years, here are three ways to reduce your coffee shop’s waste and impact on the planet.


Incentives to Dine in

We know that most waste is caused by coffee cups, stirrers and take away bags. Swapping these out for glasses, mugs and spoons immediately reduces waste. Consider providing a discount, freebie or other incentive to get customers to slow down and enjoy a moment inside, the planet will thank you!


100% Recyclable Cups

If your customers must run away with their caffeine fix, ensure the cups are 100% recyclable. Most streets have public bins with a side for waste and a side for recyclables so, although you can’t control what your customer does, you know you have at least made it easier for them to make a green choice.


Provide a Hydration Station

The plastic waste caused by bottled water is one of the biggest problems that eateries face. Providing a water dispenser with glasses prevents customers needing to buy bottled water. Similarly, provide signage to let people know that you’ll happily re-fill their reusable water bottles at any time.


With all these small changes, you’ll be making a huge impact. Want to take your changes home too? Our Nespresso-compatible compostable coffee capsules are 100% compostable so you can enjoy a waste free caffeine fix! 



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